Thursday, December 19, 2013


IM SO SORRY PEOPLE!!! I almost forgot about my blogs! :O !!! I just want to warn you for the future *like for a week lol* that I eon't be posting for a week and the rest of THIS week, i'm sorry but i'm packing up for a road trip for the holidays :D But I hope you guys have a good Chirstmas, and if I can i'll post when i'm their. Thanks for reading this post! your AWESOME! CYA!! -Ry

Saturday, November 30, 2013

ANOTHER announcement :/

Yeaaa hi, I know this is about ANOTHER blog... but I wanted to say this on both The Daily Jamaa and Animals Rock. What i'm trying to say is I'M REVIVING LEGO STORIES!!!! To kick the blog off, I wanted to do a special post on it, and it is.... OH you ca just see for yourself :D To find this blog, click my profile ON a blog and then click....
I hope you like it :D

Thursday, November 28, 2013


Happy Thanksgiving Bloggers and Jammers of jamaa! Today in Animal Jam I had a feast, I made some new friends too ^-^ Give thanks guys n' girls!!
I Am thankful for a lot of things, so many things that I can't say them all in a day ;P
But speaking of thanksgiving... Me and my friends spotted a WILD turkey.... That was me, LOL the weird friend (not exactly)
But I went back to normal and we partied some more.
But then we found a room full of stuffed animals! if you clicked them, they turned into bouncy balls 0.0
and we played wild AGAIN, we had a great time
At some point we all got SO hungry that we ate most of the food, and after that it wasn't good....
Our tummy's ached afterwards, but we got over it pretty quickly, and we didn't know what to do with all the leftovers so.....
uhhh yeeaaaaaa things got out of hand at one point, but everything is fine. Happy Thanksgiving Jammers and Bloggers!
One more special shout-out: I Thank you all for your support to get the blog at a far point, close to 1,000 views, I am thankful for all of you and I love you all, keep on rockin' Cya -Ry

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Where to find me!

You may wonder where to find me on the game Animal Jam. Well here is where to find me! I have 3 accounts: and i'm here to show you my usernames and what animals I mostly play as. Here is Bamboo
And I mostly play as my wolf, the name is in this picture.
I Also have my first account ever: Ilovewolves.
And I mostly play as my wolf, the name is in this picture.
my Final account is my most recently created one, Leopard joy.
And I mostly play as my tiger, the name is in this picture.
Thanks for reading this post! your AWESOME! CYA!! -Ry

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Polar Bears!!

Hi! I have finally had the time to update the blog, I know it's been a LONG wait but here it is! POLAR BEEEAAAAARRRRSSSS!!!
Polar bears hunting: Polar bears are predators, They eat many animals, but a certain prey catches their eyes most, The seal. Seals are one of their favorites in prey, their trick is to find holes in the ice that seals made, so that they can breathe, and the polar bears go to those holes, and wait for a seal, and when their heads stick out of the hole, they swiftly use their paw to drag the seal out of the hole and eats it. Polar bear dens: Polar bears live in icy caves and anything else they can made do with (Make do with means do whatever with what you have) The melting ice: I'm not sure if polar bears hibernate (falls asleep during winter and wakes up in spring) or not, but I do know, polar bears have to get to land before all the ice melts in spring, and the polar bears hunt and live on land until the ice comes back.
Can polar bears swim?: Yes they can, they are excellent swimmers, because if they live on the ice and don't know how to swim, they would be in trouble!
What are polar bear baby's called?: Polar Bear baby's are called Cubs. The cubs stay with their mother and learn how to fight and survive until they are old enough and ready, but until then, they enjoy their childhood while it lasts. And their are mostly 1 or 2 cubs born. Fur: Polar bear's skin is actually BLACK! but their fur is transparent (Transparent means clear and see through) and the sun reflects (like a mirror) off of the fur and makes it look white.
Alone: Polar bears live alone most of the time, it's the mother and cubs.
Before I end the post.....
AND THE BIG FINISH! hehe, well Thanks for reading this post! your AWESOME! CYA!! -Ry

Friday, November 8, 2013


Hi there, I know I haven't made an animal post in a while, but I PROMISE! New posts are on their way soon, for some reason, iv'e been having a hard time thinking of new ones, it's SIMPLE to think of a new one, but iv'e been having trouble soooo.... THIS IS ME RIGHT NOW, ON THE PICTURE.
LOL. Thanks for reading this post! your AWESOME! CYA!! -Ry

Thursday, November 7, 2013


OH MY GOODNESS!WE'RE OVER THE HALF WAY POINT TO 1,000 BLOG VIEWS! SO FAR THEIR ARE 604 VIEWS! I know it isn't much but it's an achievement for me! Thanks guys for helping this blog reach the over half way point so far!
Thanks for reading this awful short post! your AWESOME! CYA!! -Ry

Friday, November 1, 2013


Hello their, I see you've come across my blog eh? do you like spooky stories? well i'm here to tell some! but first, your invited to my party!
Also, I have a TRUE Animal Jam story to tell you guys! This happened in animal jam, and it's 50% true. So I went to a Haunted Forest party, I was hanging out and having a good time.
Until.... I saw a mist, mists we're gathering around the forest, and then.... That's when I SAW IT!!
A PHANTOM LURKING IN THE WOODS! I FREAKED OUT, I turned my back for one second, then looked back, AND HE WAS GONE!!! So now that I saw that phantom in the woods, I was ready for him.... I looked back at where he was, then I looked at the crowd and... THERE HE WAS
I SCREEEAAAMED! everyone thought I was CRAZY! "THEIR IS A PHANTOM IN THESE WOODS!" I yelled, everyone laughed at me ;( I was SOOO Embarrassed :|.... But anyway, I was embarrassed, so I ran into the woods, and saw him in the mists again!
I screamed again! and yelled "HELP HELP! THE PHANTOM IS HERE!" but no one listened, they thought I was pulling a prank. So I was determined to get photos! And I DID! "I GOT PICTURES! SEE SEE! HES HERE" I shouted. And this is the proof I got!
Everyone SCREAMED too! they finally believed me!!! I was excited, but not at the thought of a phantom running around, and now that everyone believed.... THE PHANTOM APPEARED RIGHT THEIR! IN FRONT OF EVERYBODY!!!
"IT IS I! THE PHANTOM OF SHADOW!! I AM HERE NOW, I WILL HAUNT EVERYONE OF YOU IF YOU DON'T GET OUT OF MY FOREST! GET OUT!!" The Phantom shouted with his deep mysterious voice! Then we all ran home.. The end :3

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Elephants :D

Yo people Xp Today's post is about...ELEPHANTS wooooooooooooooooooooooooo.............. Anyways, after that moment of cheering... NOW lets get started. What are elephant groups called?: Elephant groups are called herds. Herds are like family's, and it helps elephants protect one another and look after one another. But sadly, when boy elephants are fully grown up (8 years old) most of the time the males that reach that age or younger, must leave the herd for another, because the young males can be aggressive. Elephant herds can reach an amazing amount of herd members too!
Elephant eats: Elephants only eat veggies, because of their big body's (including belly) they must eat POUNDS of plants everyday.
Elephant differences: Their are two kinds of elephants that I know of. The well know African elephant and the well know-ish elephant, the Asian elephant. Too tell the difference, The African elephant has big, BIG ears. As the Asian elephant, well, they have smaller ears. Can elephants swim?: YES, they do swim... SURPRISE!
Who hunts elephants?: Lions/Lioness. A few more that I don't know.... And sadly, us, US humans hunt elephants, for their tusks, ivory witch is in their skin that can make things. And just for sport. in Africa, their is a law that your not allowed to hunt: Lions, Elephants, Rhino, and more, but sometimes... People just don't listen, HELP STOP THE HUNTING! we're the only ones who can help. CUTE BRIGHTEN UP UR SPIRIT IMAGE -->
BABY ELEPHANTS! EEEEEEK Thanks for reading this post! your AWESOME! CYA!! -Ry

Friday, October 25, 2013

Howl Powers!!! (Spooky post #3)

Hey there! Today in jamaa, I was a werewolf for the day
I Was at a haunted house, to help the ghost scare some people, it didn't go to well..Until I howled louder
But then I heard animal control stomp in, so I ran all the way to the woods, where a werewolf is truly home.
Then I was very tired when I finally reached the forest, so that I could rest
Then I got into a wolf fight.... This can end well!!
But just then, the weirdest thing happened! he VANISHED
Oh well.... Then after a long day of being a werewolf, I got a smoothie and rested again
Well, it's best to say... Thanks for reading this SPOOKY post! your AWESOME! CYA!! -Ry

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Hey hey heeeeeeeeeey. Before I start this post, I MUST tell you something. if You've never heard the song "Ylvis: The fox" then SEARCH IT ON YOUTUBE! it's the best song EVER!!! it has no bad words or anything bad in it, it's just an AWESOMELY FUNNY song :D. What family are foxes in?: Foxes are in the dog family. Related to wolves, and other. The only branch of the family tree I can think of, are: their related to wolves, I can't be sure :p What do foxes eat?: Foxes are Omnivors. Omnivors are animals who eat meat AND plants, for example, They eat in meat: Mice, Rabbit, if they can: Birds and maybe bugs. With plants they probablly eat: Blueberries, Strawberries, and more. How do foxes hunt?: Well I know the trick to their hunting in snow, i'm pretty sure they just stalk their prey like cats in grass, but in's A whole different story. Foxes creep around the snow, trying to pick up any movement, or vibration. When they hear something, they stop and look at the snow, trying to hear where a mouse is, because mice make tunnels under the snow as dens...The fox needs complete silence besides the mouse, in order to hear it under the snow. When the moment is right, the fox jumps high in the air and leaps onto the mice. if the fox is lucky, it will find a mouse in it's paws, if not, better luck next time! OH YEAH. I remember, the fox dose this with ALL mouse prey.
P.S. Foxes chase prey too!
What are fox baby's called?: Fox baby's are called 3 THINGS! A Kit, A Cub, or A Pup... crazy huh? Just for your enjoyment... here is a fox mom playing with it's...uh....Kit.
Fox types: Their are 2 that I know of. The normal fox, witch I don't know the full name, and an Arctic fox. Arctic foxes...Well...Live in THE ARCTIC, here's one now!
Foxes aren't always serious. Their playful to! :3
Thanks for reading this post! your AWESOME! CYA!! -Ry