Saturday, October 26, 2013

Elephants :D

Yo people Xp Today's post is about...ELEPHANTS wooooooooooooooooooooooooo.............. Anyways, after that moment of cheering... NOW lets get started. What are elephant groups called?: Elephant groups are called herds. Herds are like family's, and it helps elephants protect one another and look after one another. But sadly, when boy elephants are fully grown up (8 years old) most of the time the males that reach that age or younger, must leave the herd for another, because the young males can be aggressive. Elephant herds can reach an amazing amount of herd members too!
Elephant eats: Elephants only eat veggies, because of their big body's (including belly) they must eat POUNDS of plants everyday.
Elephant differences: Their are two kinds of elephants that I know of. The well know African elephant and the well know-ish elephant, the Asian elephant. Too tell the difference, The African elephant has big, BIG ears. As the Asian elephant, well, they have smaller ears. Can elephants swim?: YES, they do swim... SURPRISE!
Who hunts elephants?: Lions/Lioness. A few more that I don't know.... And sadly, us, US humans hunt elephants, for their tusks, ivory witch is in their skin that can make things. And just for sport. in Africa, their is a law that your not allowed to hunt: Lions, Elephants, Rhino, and more, but sometimes... People just don't listen, HELP STOP THE HUNTING! we're the only ones who can help. CUTE BRIGHTEN UP UR SPIRIT IMAGE -->
BABY ELEPHANTS! EEEEEEK Thanks for reading this post! your AWESOME! CYA!! -Ry

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