Saturday, October 26, 2013

Elephants :D

Yo people Xp Today's post is about...ELEPHANTS wooooooooooooooooooooooooo.............. Anyways, after that moment of cheering... NOW lets get started. What are elephant groups called?: Elephant groups are called herds. Herds are like family's, and it helps elephants protect one another and look after one another. But sadly, when boy elephants are fully grown up (8 years old) most of the time the males that reach that age or younger, must leave the herd for another, because the young males can be aggressive. Elephant herds can reach an amazing amount of herd members too!
Elephant eats: Elephants only eat veggies, because of their big body's (including belly) they must eat POUNDS of plants everyday.
Elephant differences: Their are two kinds of elephants that I know of. The well know African elephant and the well know-ish elephant, the Asian elephant. Too tell the difference, The African elephant has big, BIG ears. As the Asian elephant, well, they have smaller ears. Can elephants swim?: YES, they do swim... SURPRISE!
Who hunts elephants?: Lions/Lioness. A few more that I don't know.... And sadly, us, US humans hunt elephants, for their tusks, ivory witch is in their skin that can make things. And just for sport. in Africa, their is a law that your not allowed to hunt: Lions, Elephants, Rhino, and more, but sometimes... People just don't listen, HELP STOP THE HUNTING! we're the only ones who can help. CUTE BRIGHTEN UP UR SPIRIT IMAGE -->
BABY ELEPHANTS! EEEEEEK Thanks for reading this post! your AWESOME! CYA!! -Ry

Friday, October 25, 2013

Howl Powers!!! (Spooky post #3)

Hey there! Today in jamaa, I was a werewolf for the day
I Was at a haunted house, to help the ghost scare some people, it didn't go to well..Until I howled louder
But then I heard animal control stomp in, so I ran all the way to the woods, where a werewolf is truly home.
Then I was very tired when I finally reached the forest, so that I could rest
Then I got into a wolf fight.... This can end well!!
But just then, the weirdest thing happened! he VANISHED
Oh well.... Then after a long day of being a werewolf, I got a smoothie and rested again
Well, it's best to say... Thanks for reading this SPOOKY post! your AWESOME! CYA!! -Ry

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Hey hey heeeeeeeeeey. Before I start this post, I MUST tell you something. if You've never heard the song "Ylvis: The fox" then SEARCH IT ON YOUTUBE! it's the best song EVER!!! it has no bad words or anything bad in it, it's just an AWESOMELY FUNNY song :D. What family are foxes in?: Foxes are in the dog family. Related to wolves, and other. The only branch of the family tree I can think of, are: their related to wolves, I can't be sure :p What do foxes eat?: Foxes are Omnivors. Omnivors are animals who eat meat AND plants, for example, They eat in meat: Mice, Rabbit, if they can: Birds and maybe bugs. With plants they probablly eat: Blueberries, Strawberries, and more. How do foxes hunt?: Well I know the trick to their hunting in snow, i'm pretty sure they just stalk their prey like cats in grass, but in's A whole different story. Foxes creep around the snow, trying to pick up any movement, or vibration. When they hear something, they stop and look at the snow, trying to hear where a mouse is, because mice make tunnels under the snow as dens...The fox needs complete silence besides the mouse, in order to hear it under the snow. When the moment is right, the fox jumps high in the air and leaps onto the mice. if the fox is lucky, it will find a mouse in it's paws, if not, better luck next time! OH YEAH. I remember, the fox dose this with ALL mouse prey.
P.S. Foxes chase prey too!
What are fox baby's called?: Fox baby's are called 3 THINGS! A Kit, A Cub, or A Pup... crazy huh? Just for your enjoyment... here is a fox mom playing with it's...uh....Kit.
Fox types: Their are 2 that I know of. The normal fox, witch I don't know the full name, and an Arctic fox. Arctic foxes...Well...Live in THE ARCTIC, here's one now!
Foxes aren't always serious. Their playful to! :3
Thanks for reading this post! your AWESOME! CYA!! -Ry

Monday, October 21, 2013

Bottle-Nose Dolphin! :3

Hey peoplez! Today's post is about the cutest sea swimmers around......... DOLPHINS! to be exact, Bottle-Nose Dolphins, their the ones you'd usually see. Do dolphins live together?: Yes they do! They live in groups called pods. Pods are like family's of dolphin, Their can be 3 dolphins in a pod, to I think about 20, somewhere around their.
What do dolphins eat?: Dolphins eat mainly fish, I don't know if their is a certain kind they like, or if they also eat something else besides fish all the time, but all I know is... FISH ALL THE WAY! Hunting: Dolphins hunt in their pod to help get food easier. First they find a big school of fish, that's right! groups of fish are called schools. Then the dolphins split up, and go all the way around the school, they swim around and around to confuse them, then, as they get closer, they try to catch as much as possible!
Meal time!!: Dolphins have a certain way of eating their food. First they toss it up in the are until it's head is facing the dolphins open mouth, then they swallow it WHOLE. Dolphin do this because if the fish went down their throat tail first, the dolphin could choke on it, then have to spit it out! YUCK.
Thanks for reading this post! your AWESOME! CYA!! -Ry

Sunday, October 20, 2013

HUGE Announcement!!

Hey guys n' girls, I have more exciting announcements. Well how do I say this..... i'm writing a book..... :DDDDD i'm writing it on the computer, it's not actually a book book, it's an online book, i'll post the link when iv'e finished it.... Witch will take a nice long while so.... But here is a preview of it!
Thanks for reading this exciting post! your AWESOME! CYA!! -Ry

Saturday, October 19, 2013


OHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSH IM BAAAAACK!!!! After a trip i'm back! so lets take a moment to celebrate :D
Soon i'll be posting some pictures from an animal related area on my trip <3 I don't wanna announce it because it could spoil the surprise :P
Thanks for reading this post! your AWESOME! CYA!! -Ry

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Ghost BOO! (Spooky post #2)

So today in AJ I was a ghost...
I didn't do much because.. whats a ghost who's not spooky suppost to do!
I couldn't really scare anyone because im.... NOT SCARY (lol)
So I dicided to go home.....
Oh well, like the picture says :3 LOL. Thanks for reading this post! your AWESOME! CYA!! -Ry

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Hey peeps! Today's post is about.. RACCOON'S!!! Raccoon's are actually pretty cute :P but anyway... LETS GET TO TEH BLOGGIN' (pffft lol) Raccoon Homes: i'm Not quite sure where raccoon's live, I think they live in burrows or trees or both... What do raccoon's eat?:Raccoon's are Omnivores witch means they eat both plants and meat. Meat: They eat different kinds of bugs and fish. Plants: Berries like grapes, blue berries, wild strawberries, and more. What do raccoon's look like?:Some people would call them little bandits, their black, gray and I think they have some white in their fur
What else is their to say?!: Not much really, that's all I gotta say for the raccoon's for now! well it's about that time to say> Thanks for reading this post! your AWESOME! CYA!! -Ry

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


OH MY GOODNESS OH MY GOODNESS OH MY GOODNESS!! I Found these things on the internet <3 thought i'd share it with you
Cute puppy <3
Piano <3
Bubbles with a kitten <3
Baby croc enjoying the love <3
And cute hampsters in love <3 Thanks for reading this post! your AWESOME! CYA!! -Ry